Hint Hunter

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  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 3 weeks ago by admin.
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  • #77973

    Hint Hunter is a text-based dungeon crawl RPG video game. In it, you may find certain answers you seek!

    When you try to download it your browser won’t trust it. In Chrome it will say “Hint Hunter is not commonly downloaded and may be dangerous.” You will need to click an arrow to the right of that message and click “Keep”.

    It is only compatible with Windows machines, and the software is unsigned, meaning that your computer might flag it as a virus. When you try to open it Windows will pop open a box saying “Windows protected your PC.” You will need to click on “More Info” and click “Run anyway”. From there the game should run!

    Sometimes there’s a bug the first time you play the game where you can’t start the game, it’ll keep asking for your name/class. If you close the game and restart it, it never seems to happen a second time.

    Download Hint Hunter.zip

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